*New Video Studio Hours*
The Video Production Studio re-opened on 2/3/2025 and will now close at 10pm from Monday-Thursday. If you have any questions, please contact our Multimedia Specialist at david.ramos-candelas@unlv.edu.
Production spaces are intended for those creating, editing, or transferring media. You will be asked to leave the space if you are using these rooms for other purposes.
First-time users
Must watch the orientation video and take a brief quiz before making a reservation.
Use guidelines
- Must follow the Libraries conduct policy
- Must follow the Multimedia Production Studio guidelines
- No food allowed. Drinks with lids permitted.
Number of rooms
2 audio production rooms, 2 music production rooms, 1 video production room
Who can reserve?
Current UNLV students, faculty, and staff
3-11 depending on the room
Hours available
During Multimedia Studio Hours. When Rebel Hours are in effect to enter Lied Library guests are required to present a valid UNLV or NSHE ID or arrange an appointment at least two days in advance.
Reserve in advance
Up to 14 days
Daily limit
30 minutes to 3 hours. 1 reservation at a time.
Start times
Beginning on the half hour (:00, :30)
Grace period
15 minutes. Then room becomes available for other users
Equipment and features
- Audio and video equipment to support the creation of podcasts, music recordings, video presentations, and other types of multimedia research and creative activity
- Windows or Apple iMacs with post production editing software
- Wifi
Located on the west side of the 1st floor.
Need help?
- For general help with technology, visit the Computer Help Desk on the first floor of Lied Library adjacent to the escalator.
- For more in-depth assistance with software and hardware, please schedule a technology consultation.
Your Booking