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Space Availability - Multimedia Production Studios

*New Video Studio Hours*

The Video Production Studio re-opened on 2/3/2025 and will now close at 10pm from Monday-Thursday. If you have any questions, please contact our Multimedia Specialist at

Production spaces are intended for those creating, editing, or transferring media. You will be asked to leave the space if you are using these rooms for other purposes.

First-time users
Must watch the orientation video and take a brief quiz before making a reservation.

Watch orientation video


Use guidelines

Number of rooms
2 audio production rooms, 2 music production rooms, 1 video production room
Who can reserve?
Current UNLV students, faculty, and staff
3-11 depending on the room
Hours available
During Multimedia Studio Hours. When Rebel Hours are in effect to enter Lied Library guests are required to present a valid UNLV or NSHE ID or arrange an appointment at least two days in advance.
Reserve in advance
Up to 14 days
Daily limit
30 minutes to 3 hours. 1 reservation at a time.
Start times
Beginning on the half hour (:00, :30)
Grace period
15 minutes. Then room becomes available for other users


Equipment and features

  • Audio and video equipment to support the creation of podcasts, music recordings, video presentations, and other types of multimedia research and creative activity
  • Windows or Apple iMacs with post production editing software
  • Wifi


Located on the west side of the 1st floor.

Need help?

  • For general help with technology, visit the Computer Help Desk on the first floor of Lied Library adjacent to the escalator.
  • For more in-depth assistance with software and hardware, please schedule a technology consultation.


   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding